Saturday, 19 September 2009

Places: Cabosse, Warkworth

I love chocolate and if the joyless muesli crunching health police will allow me I want to drool over the haven of pleasure and beauty that is Cabosse. The shop is owned and run by a young lady called Louise Frederique, Louise is a Choclatiere who was trained at the prestigious L'ecole Cordon Bluer in Paris and has worked with Rick Stein amongst others. Louise starts at 5AM each morning making fresh chocolate for display in her shop and cafe, as a choco-holic, to enter Cabosse is to be overcome with reverence for the art form of the Choclatiere--I wandered the carefully arranged banks of refrigerated display cases before landing upon Dark Chocolate Rum & Raisin Bouchee--they were £1:30 each, but less is more, basically it is home-made chocolate poured over home-made fudge just can't fail (see pic). Getting slightly serious for a moment there is something called 'craftsmanship' which in our age of mass production has been sacrificed to the greater competitive imperative of cost. Cabosse is very busy and successful in a town of just 2000 residents and proves that there is a market out there who would happily trade a family pack of Snickers for a single exquisite hand-crafted Bouchee.

1 comment:

  1. Chocolates.......... its always loved by every one.......Looking for commercial freeze i would like to suggest to visit this site
